Dos Pueblos High School
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

"A mind that is stretched by a new experience
can never go back to its old dimensions."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
"I'm an international student from Mexico, so the International perspective in the IB Program was what motivated me to join. The people that I've met that I wouldn't have otherwise, have really impacted me. Everyone here is a tight community, we're all together in that sense. I've grown personally. I've learned from them, and I think they've learned from me."
-Daniel Godinez, Class of 2014
The International Baccalaureate Programme at Dos Pueblos develops a multitude of academic and personal skills that enhance students’ ability to balance time and tasks, engage in critical research and reflection, and develop affective self-management skills. Universities and employers are continually recruiting inquisitive and collaborative, individuals who think critically and creatively to solve problems, with an ability to manage and prioritize multiple tasks at the same time. In an international market, students need to be dynamic and multi-dimensional. The International Baccalaureate Programme at Dos Pueblos High School strives to prepare students to be 21st Century global citizens.
Student Testimonials
Alumni Testimonials
"IB taught me the hard way to not procrastinate and how to effectively spread out work over a long period of time, especially in regards to big projects and lengthy papers. College is 90% big projects and lengthy papers so preparation for dealing with longer-term projects was an excellent aspect of IB."
-Camille Wyss, Class of 2014
I have found that the IB connection is a real thing. IB provides a nice common ground between people with very different backgrounds...I can talk about Canada with the student from Canada next door and we've both learned about Vargas in the same History of the Americas class. Because of the well-rounded curriculum, talking about art, philosophy, history, or any other topic is easier and more comfortable. Classes like ToK or IB Art provide a background and some confidence to discuss those subjects whether I take another class in that area or not.
-Trinh La, Class of 2014
"Preparation wise, I can't imagine any program that would be better for college. Personally, I think that IB has really helped me grow not only as a student, but as a person as well. I have a feeling that the relationships I've built and will build through IB will carry beyond high school and continue to enrich my life for a long time."
-Current IB Diploma Candidate
"IB is worth it because of the different learning environments and experiences. I think that the research aspect of IB and the extreme depth of knowledge required for some classes really helps a student think outside of the box. IB is about learning a subject more than preparing someone for a test. If there’s one thing I love about IB, it’s that it’s different from the rest of the classes I’ve been in, and it’s hard to get bored when the teachers themselves are passionate about what they do."
-IB Certificate Candidate
"To me, IB will always be the gateway that made me who I am today. The program has wonderful teachers, excellent lessons, and carefully thought out techniques to give each and every student a chance to go deeper into the subject they are studying...the IB program is a really great program and I believe it is because of that that I have become the person I am today."
-IB Certificate Candidate